Guerra gráfica España 1936- 1939 (Graphic war, Spain 1936-1939)

El País in English

In the book, the journalist and writer Michel Lefebvre-Peña holds that while the Republicans may have lost the war itself, they won when it came to offering the world their own vision of a ravaged Spain. Guerra gráfica. España 1936- 1939 includes work by Spanish poets, painters, writers and photographers including Agustí Centelles, Alfonso Sánchez Portela and José María Díaz Casariego, but also by foreign correspondents such as Robert Capa, Gerda Taro and David Seymour Chim, who used their cameras to document the fervor of a people up in arms, and whose images lie somewhere between photojournalism and propaganda. Some of these shots have been reproduced countless times and transformed into icons of the Spanish Civil War: Capa's The Falling Soldier or his brigadier with his fist in the air come to mind.

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